Sunday, January 25, 2009


It is official! The "Global Gag Rule" has been repealed!!! Not only that, but the Lilly Ledbetter Act is finally law. It went through in the House earlier this month, and activists everywhere were crossing their fingers that it would pass in the Senate (it was the Republican-dominated Senate that prevented the act from going through last year). Previously, anyone that claimed they were being discriminated against through unequal pay, had to take legal action within six months of the unfair paycheck. Ultimately the law provided protection for employers choosing to cheat their workers out of a full paycheck. This not only affects women, but all marginalized groups in society. The Paycheck Fairness Act is the next big feat in the arena of fair pay. This may be a bit tougher to get passed, but is at least in the works!
The Obama administration has only been in office for one week. One week, and already change is happening! Amazing!

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