In celebration of Women's History Month, Emory is sponsoring lots of fun events. Most excitingly, on Tuesday March 24, Angela Davis is giving the keynote address for WHM and discussing the prison industrial complex and its effects on women. She's an amazing lady and has contributed years of activism and education for the feminist movement, especially with issues facing women of color and United States prisons. Basically she's a badass! The event is completely free and open to the public. It's being held at Ebeneezer Baptist Church and starts at 7pm. Here's a link with more information on the event: AngelaDavisKeynoteAddress.
Just food for thought:
I'm currently watching Scrubs, which frequently pisses me off with its heteronormative, sexist banter. In the current episode the ex-chief of surgery told one of the main female doctors that she had grown "girl balls." Why is it that in order to imply that someone is gutsy or exhibiting strength and independence, that someone has grown a set of hypothetical testicles? And if courageous=ballsy, someone exhibiting fear or tentativeness is called a pussy? Can you think of any phrases utilizing the male genitalia in a negative way? It's a lot harder than you may think. There's a plethora of common phrases in the English language that we usually don't think about or question. Just one of the many things I like to ponder.
ReplyDeleteThis is awesome! When did you start doing the gender studies thing? You seem really passionate about it.
P.S. Not that I don't agree with your point, but: Dick, e.g., "that guy is such a dick." And even there, despite being negative, dick means something like threat or aggressor, so I guess your point still stands.
Hey allen! Yeah, I started gender studies last semester. I love it.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I thought of that too. But it's still from a power standpoint as you said. The feminization of insults, usually in a male to male interaction, is really common. Men oftentimes call each other "pussy" or "fag" when they're displaying weakness. One of my boyfriend's co-workers told him to take out his tampon the other day when Joseph was showing sensitivity about something. It's really fascinating I think, and I try to be conscious of what I say these days.
Thanks for reading! I miss you! :)