Thursday, January 22, 2009


Today marks the 36th anniversary of Roe V. Wade! In 1973, this ruling gave women back reproductive freedom that had been held captive for eons. Appropriately, our new president Barack Obama is seriously considering a reversal of the "Global Gag Rule," also known as the "Mexico City Policy." This policy bans any U.S. funding that goes towards international programs offering information on contraception and abortion, as well as the provision of safe, legal abortions to women. It was first put into place in 1984 by Reagan, repealed by Clinton, and reinstated by Bush. Conservatives argue that lifting the "Global Gag Rule" would generate more abortions. What they don't seem to see is that by providing women with proper, empowering sex education and information on birth control, this will actually prevent unwanted pregnancies and abortions. If women do choose to seek an abortion, safer, healthier abortions will be available, as well as counseling!

Tuesday's inauguration was a proud day for America, and I have faith that change is in fact, in the works.

Keep the spirit alive!

1 comment:

    You'll enjoy this. Reading that thread kept me from doing homeworks this afternoon. woops!
