Wednesday, April 8, 2009

A storm is a brewing....

The National Organization for Marriage does not know what to do with themselves as the movement towards equal marriage rights for all continues to make progress. They seem to think it is impinging on their personal freedom to allow gays and lesbians to marry! Their freedom??? When checking my email today, I received a link to a commercial, sponsored by the N.O.M. (i.e. the religious right), called "The Gathering Storm." Apparently California currently broadcasts the commercial up to 8 times a day! What I find most humorous, is their nickname, the Rainbow Coalition. The rainbow has become a positive symbol for GLBTQ members everywhere. Perhaps these bigoted, right wing bastards used the rainbow symbolism on purpose. Regardless, very creative. NOT. Anyway, I personally think these people are absolute parodies of themselves.

And for our more open-minded enjoyment with which to soften the blow, "Prop 8-The Musical":

Keep the spirit alive! Don't let the backlash against progress fool you!